Put yourself in your parents’ shoes — getting older can be frustrating and sometimes a little frightening. The thought of moving from a home filled with a lifetime of memories into an assisted living facility may feel like an insult — a way of telling someone they’re no longer important. But nothing could be farther from the truth.
Some Jacksonville, Florida assisted living facilities are premium properties that offer a variety of services and amenities to help seniors live a fuller, more active life than they did before.
If health concerns are making it dangerous for your parent to live alone, moving into assisted living is a great solution. But how can you convince your mother or father it’s the right move if they won’t even talk about it?
5 Things to Do When Your Loved One Refuses to Discuss Assisted Living Option
Your parent or spouse wants to remain independent and may believe they are still capable of living alone. If a senior in your life won’t even talk about the possibility of assisted living, these five tips might help you avoid frustration and help them see the benefits of assisted living facilities in Jacksonville, FL.
1. Talk with Siblings and Family Members
It’s important to make sure all of the most influential members of the family are on the same page. Discussing living options with the rest of the family before approaching your loved one will help minimize stress and potential disagreements from the beginning.
2. Be Respectful
It’s natural for the roles to switch when parents age but treating them like children won’t help the situation. Don’t push or threaten ultimatums. Unless you have legal guardianship, your loved one is still in charge of making their own decisions.
3. Tour the Facility
Some elderly people believe stereotypes of what assisted living facilities are. They may be surprised to see the vibrant, modern apartments and learn about all the available activities. Agreeing to a tour without any obligation is a productive first step in opening up the conversation.
4. Have a Professional Weigh In
If your loved one has a doctor or attorney they trust — or even a close friend — ask that person to share their perspective on living in an assisted facility. Of course, you’ll want to have a private conversation with them first to make sure they agree moving is a good idea.
5. Focus on the Benefits — Not Your Concerns
Don’t try to guilt your loved one into moving by emphasizing how much you worry about them and how much easier things would be for you. This reasoning is bound to cause resentment and even more frustration. Instead, focus on how assisted living would benefit them.
No more laundry or housekeeping to do, no more meals to prepare if they don’t want to cook — doesn’t that sound appealing? In assisted living, support is available 24/7, but only if you need it. Residents are free to live independent lives with as much or as little community involvement as they prefer.
Jacksonville, Florida Assisted Living Options
Whether your loved one needs skilled nursing or is still fully independent, there is a facility option to meet their needs. With fun social activities, in-house fitness centers, and wellness programs, today’s facilities offer a new kind of retirement option.
Reassure your loved one that the ultimate decision is theirs to make, but make sure they understand all that a modern assisted living facility has to offer.