How Vocational Pursuits Enhance Independent Living In Jacksonville

Here at Westminster Woods’ independent living community in Jacksonville, our My W Life wellness program is built on eight key dimensions of wellbeing: physical, lifelong learning, nutritional, social, emotional, spiritual, community, and vocational.

But just what is vocational wellness? For many of us, the term “vocation” might simply refer to the work you do for a living. But while that may be the traditional understanding, Merriam-Webster actually defines vocation as “a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action,” with the “voc-” coming from the Latin word for “to call.” So really, vocational wellness is all about finding meaningful ways to dedicate your time — and here at Westminster Woods, opportunities abound.

Just read on as we share a few fun ways to find your vocation in and around our Sunshine State community!

Volunteer With A Cause You Care About…

One of the best ways to get involved is to volunteer with a cause you care about! Westminster Woods is nestled among the largest city in the Sunshine State — and while you might not know it with our lush, back-to-nature landscape, the heart of this metropolitan area is just beyond your backyard. So there’s no shortage of opportunities for getting involved in local initiatives.

… Or Spearhead A New One

Maybe you have a particular soft spot for the environment or four-legged friends. Whatever your cause may be, you’re sure to meet other Westminster Woods community members who feel the same and want to help you give back in meaningful ways!

Share Your Unique Gifts

Many of us have hobbies that we think are “just for fun,” but can actually serve a powerful purpose in the world around us! For example, if you love arts and crafts, you can do anything from painting local murals to gifting loved ones with custom wall décor. If you’re an amazing home chef, you might enjoy getting involved with a cooking class — or maybe helming your own — or preparing helpful meal plan guides for friends and family.

Tap Into Your Inner Child

Not sure where to find your passion? Sometimes it can be helpful to look back to the things you loved best as a child, and starting from there!

For example, maybe you loved getting lost in a good novel — which could, perhaps, make you a great library volunteer or book club leader. Or maybe you were a budding musician — which you could use as a springboard to work with local youth music programs. There are endless connections to be made, but you get the idea: Look to the past for an idea that sparks your future!

Explore Your Surroundings

When you hear the world “calling,” your mind might jump to serious, world-changing work — but we say, start small! Your days can be just as meaningful by exploring your surroundings, finding inspiration in the people and places you meet along the way. Westminster Woods provides the perfect backdrop to starting new creative pursuits, a love of wildlife, and myriad other pastimes that you can turn into a full-fledged passion.

We hope that these ideas help you get started on the search for a vocation — but of course, these are just the beginning! The more time you spend exploring Westminster Woods, the more you’ll find opportunities to explore your interests around every corner.

Gold Seal
Florida Governor's Gold Seal
Recognized for quality throughout the state. We are proud to receive the 2023
Governor's Gold Seal for excellence
in quality of care.
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My W Life
my w life
Options for a healthier
and happier you!
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Health Choices
You’ll be happy knowing a continuum of care is there if you need it.
Floor Plans
Find the fit for your lifestyle.
Find the fit for
your lifestyle.
To infuse your personal style
is to be happy by design.
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Recognized for quality throughout the state.

We are proud ot recieve the 2025 Govenor's Gold Seal Award, the Newsweek Award for America's Best Continuing Care Communities, and the US News Awards for Long-Term Care and Short-Term Rehab.

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Contact Information

(904) 664-2870